Gender Reconciliation Programs in South Africa
South Africa’s 350-year history of slavery, imperialism, colonialism, and apartheid has fueled social inequality, and specifically racial and gender inequalities. The prevalence of rape in the country, as a particular type of sexual and gender-based violence, is one of the highest in the world. A rape reportedly occurs every 35 seconds. The trafficking of women and children is also on the rise in Southern Africa. The right to own property for women is still neglected on a large scale. Besides all this, there has been a pandemic of ‘corrective rape’ violations against lesbian women.
Men in South Africa also suffer the negative impacts of patriarchy and the associated trauma of gender injustice and imbalance. Although most violence against women is perpetrated by men, the majority of male violence is committed against other men. Therefore we also focus on men- to men reconciliation and women to women. Groups that are mostly affected by traditional and sometimes harmful gender- belief systems over generations.